
A simple app illustrating some of the latest and greatest Android development principles.

👋đŸŧ Introduction - What is this ?

This app uses the TMDB api to fetch a list of movies and shows them in a RecyclerView. If you click on a movie poster, it opens a 'detail' page with an enlarged poster and the movie name. That's about it - that's all the app does. (This is not a real, usable app).


🤔 What is this - REALLY?

The app is REALLY about demonstrating usage of open source libraries and modern architecture patterns for Android development, such as the following :

and a few others.

✨ Notable Features/Patterns

This app implements some frequently encountered patterns in Android development

Šī¸ Caching data for Offline Viewing

The app caches data received via the API request in a local database (using Room) and uses that data in subsequent app launches if there is no/bad internet connectivity.


🔍 Empty/No Data screen + 🔄 Refresh pattern

In case there is no internet connectivity when the app is launched for the first time, you might encounter the following 'empty' screen :


In case, the connectivity comes back, you can press the reload button and the data is downloaded and displayed.